
It all starts with re-employing America’s downsized and Veterans

We assess skills and motivations on an individual basis for people who want to be involved within our programs. We are here to reinstall a productive and proactive IT culture within our offices and centers based strictly within the America. All work is done and staffed by US staff.

We not only train in a given area but cross-train between Technology, Business and FinAgile Methodology.


  • Web Development (PA-Web)
  • Web Administration (WA)
  • Project Management (PM)
  • Business Analysis (BA)
  • Networking –Desktops (NA-D)
  • Networking –Servers (NA-S)
  • Telecom – (Tele)
  • Telecom/Wireless (Tele-W)
  • Subject Matter Expertise (SME)
    • Financial
    • Publishing
    • Telecommunications
    • Medical
    • Government
    • Pharmaceutical

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